Processing of microbial specimens


Processing of microbial specimens

We routinely process bacteria and fungi under appropriate BSL1, 2 or 3 conditions; bacteriophage processing will start in 2025. Processing of the above types of microbes takes place centrally in the CIP laboratories. Processing of viruses takes place in a decentralized way in specialized virology laboratories.

Culture on solid or liquid media, in aerobic or anaerobic conditions

Appropriate agar or broth media are used for each strain. The media are prepared and procured by the Media Platform of Institut Pasteur. Strain specific or customized media can be used. Different anaerobic chambers are used for processing of primary fecal samples at CHIP and for culturing of anaerobic strains at CIP.



Coming soon....

Culture and maintenance of live cyanobacteria

Cyanobacteria are cultivated in specific media, in chambers with specific light and temperature conditions. All cyanobacterial strains are maintained live in axenic conditions, free of any contamination. Very high density cultures can also be achieved under similar quality standards.


Freeze drying

Optimized freeze drying conditions are used on previously quantified bacterial suspensions. Freeze drying can be performed either in glass ampoules for long term preservation or in glass vials for short to medium term preservation.

DNA extraction from bacteria

DNA can be extracted from bacterial pellets, but also from cryopreserved or freeze dried bacteria. DNA is fit for purpose for whole genome sequencing by Illumina short read technology.
