Who we are


CRBIP, the Biological Resource Center of Institut Pasteur

The CRBIP is an internationally recognized transdisciplinary biobank whose mission is to preserve and make accessible for research, training and quality control purposes, historical and newly collected microbial and human bioresources.

CRBIP blue shape

Organizational chart of the CRBIP

Organizational chart

The CRBIP comprises the Collection of Institut Pasteur (CIP), one of the oldest and largest microbial collections worldwide, the Pasteur Cultures of Cyanobacteria (PCC), the National Collection of Cultures of Microorganisms (Collection Nationale de Cultures de Micro- Organismes, CNCM), the Collections for Human health of Institut Pasteur (CHIP) and a Project Management Office (PMO).


A word from the Director

"The CRBIP supports research on human diseases by providing project-specific biobanking services and by supplying carefully characterized and fit-for-purpose biological resources. Our long experience makes us a valued partner for our research colleagues, and we are proud to be able to contribute to rigorous research methods.

We are convinced that diversity of biospecimens, together with biospecimen science, advanced analytical annotations, and biobanking quality standards, leads to more reproducible research and more innovative applications..”

Dr Fay Betsou, Director of the Centre des Ressources Biologiques of Institut Pasteur (CRBIP)

Fay Betsou, Director of the CRBIP

Our staff

The CRBIP is run by a team of 40 people, including 9 PhD scientists and 3 MSc in biobanking. The areas of our expertise cover general microbiology, genomic taxonomy, phylogenetics, antimicrobial resistance, biospecimen science, regulatory affairs, method validation and quality control. Our Management Committee includes the Heads of the CRBIP Units and the CRBIP Quality Manager.