Characterization of human specimens


Characterization of human specimens

We routinely characterize incoming human specimens for baseline biological characteristics. Other assays are routinely performed for quality control of nucleic acids or isolated cells before cryopreservation.

Hemolysis and complete blood counting

Blood specimens are characterized for their degree of hemolysis. A complete blood count is performed to support fitness for purpose for specific downstream utilizations.



Urine specimens are characterized for standard clinical parameters, such as glucose, proteins, nitrites, leucocytes, pH. Coming, in 2025.

Nucleic acid quantification and purity analysis

Total DNA and DNA purity are quantified by spectrophotometry. Double stranded DNA is quantified by spectrofluorometry.


Nucleic acid integrity analysis

Nucleic acid integrity (RIN, DIN) is measured by microfluidic electrophoresis with an Agilent Tapestation.

Cell counting and viability

Isolated PBMCs are enumerated and their viability is measured with a method based on membrane integrity. This is an in-process quality control before cryopreservation.
